Peet’s Coffee Wild Posting San Francisco, LA and DC

Peet’s Coffee Dedicated Location

Peet’s Coffee

The Client


Los Angeles impressions


San Francisco impressions


Washington, D.C., impressions

Peet's Coffee Background

Upon launching in California in 1966, Peet’s Coffee served the American customer a new kind of coffee, made from fresh, dark-roasted coffee beans. It’s the style now preferred at Starbucks and independent cafes alike, but it all started with Alfred Peet, a Dutch immigrant to the U.S. with a love for java and a dream.
Peet’s Coffee has remained a small, successful chain for more than five decades, with about 240 locations in the United States. Its legacy looms large in the coffee world. Peet’s founder had a huge impact on the founders of Starbucks and on pretty much all the specialty coffee we drink today.


Celebrating National Coffee Day 2023

Coffee people are obsessive about their favorite caffeinated beverage, and they love celebrating things like National Coffee Day. Peet’s wanted to build on that fun day by connecting with modern coffee enthusiasts and rekindling brand love for Peet’s. We wanted to align the brand message with “coffee moments” (moments when you treasure the value of a great cup of joe) in busy urban areas with a high index of coffee shops.
Rather than allocating the campaign budget to traditional billboards in each market, the client could get more impressions and more ad locations by using Wild Posting® since the media promotes reach/frequency.

LA - Bernard St & Broadway Wild Posting

Finding the perfect balance between impact and impressions

The most challenging part was finding Wild Posting® locations close to Peet’s Coffee and competing coffee shops. The budget and markets also changed about halfway through the planning process, but we’re used to last-minute changes when planning a big campaign like this and navigated the switch with ease.


Blanketing three cities with Wild Posting® posters

We targeted the high-traffic areas leading up to coffee shops in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., while also targeting the general public (because who doesn’t love coffee?). We used four large 72-inch x 48-inch posters per location to deliver Peet’s message about its amazing coffee. We also added five bonus locations in key areas to help boost the client’s message.

DC - Connecticut Ave 19th St DEDICATED WILD POSTING

Two national outlets picked up the story

A pair of popular online publications focused on marketing (MarketingDive and Digital Marketing News) covered our Peet’s Wild Posting®, drawing additional attention to the campaign beyond the three cities.

DC - Florida Ave Porter St

Making a bigger splash by focusing resources

National Coffee Day is on September 29, and Peet’s originally requested a four-week campaign in four cities leading up to the date. But as the launch drew closer, the client decided to nix one city from the plan and reduce the campaign to three weeks to maximize impact in the other three cities. We used 35 locations in LA and 20 each in San Francisco and D.C. The client also pushed back the start date from September 5 to September 18, but we easily accommodated that change as well.
LA locations included multiple locations on Hollywood and Sunset Boulevards, Melrose and Formosa Avenue, Santa Monica Boulevard and Hudson Avenue, La Brea and Willoughby Avenue, and more.
San Francisco locations included five places on Mission Street and six on Bay Street, 10th Street and Bryant Street, two on Market Street and more.
Washington, D.C., locations included two places on Georgia Avenue, two on H Street, two on North Capitol Street, three on E Street and 6th Street, and more.
We also had bonus dedicated locations in all three cities for four weeks:

  • Sunset Boulevard and Argyle Avenue (LA)
  • Lincoln Boulevard and Lake Street (LA)
  • 100 Commonwealth (LA)
  • Sutter Street and Taylor Street (San Francisco)
  • Connecticut Avenue and 19th Street (D.C.)

More than 98 million OOH impressions

The client could not believe how many impressions this campaign generated. We had a total of more than 65 million impressions across the three cities:

  • Los Angeles: 41,174,700
  • San Francisco: 16,743,600
  • Washington, D.C.: 7,148,160

Additionally, the bonus locations added an incredible 33,281,498 total impressions.

*According to Geopath
Peet’s Coffee Dedicated Location

Having an experienced partner makes all the difference

We used high-traffic locations to enhance visibility and audience reach. We also provided a strong focus on compliance to reduce legal risks and flexibility for quick campaign adjustments, which was necessary for this client.

“Choosing Wild Posting® for your advertising campaign provides lots of benefits, including our expertise in outdoor and guerrilla advertising for effective execution. The client told us they were absolutely thrilled with the results.” Gino Sesto, founder & CEO, DASH TWO

Gino Sesto, Founder & CEO, DASH TWO
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