Cinema Advertising : How Much Does It Cost and Is It Worth It?

Cinema advertising includes any ads posted inside or outside movie theaters that people can see when they go to a film.

What Is Cinema Advertising?

Cinema advertising includes any ads posted inside or outside movie theaters that people can see when they go to a film. The most popular format is pre-movie commercials on the big screen, but you can also buy displays and posters in the lobby.

Screen ads make the most significant impact and have the greatest chance of grabbing the audience’s attention. They are generally 15- to 30-second ads that play before the show, when people are still filtering into their seats but before the previews begin.

What Are the Advantages of Advertising in Cinema?

According to the Motion Picture Association of America, three-quarters of Americans over age 2 go to the movies at least once a year, and about 24 million went to theaters each week to see a film.

 Informative PSA Messaging
Informative PSA Messaging
  • Captive audience: People sitting in seats waiting for a movie to begin are bored and open to messaging. You reach them when they have nothing else to do besides look at their phones or talk to their companions.
  • Happy customers: Moviegoers feel relaxed and excited because they are about to do something they enjoy. They are in a good frame of mind to receive messaging.
  • Desirable demographics: Teenagers and millennials go to the movies more frequently than their older counterparts, and most advertisers are eager to connect with these demos.

What Is the Price of Movie Advertising?

You can buy on-screen ads for as low as $2,500 for a four-week run for a single theater.

The cost is similar to many forms of digital advertising. It’s cheaper than buying a billboard in the most popular locations in Los Angeles or New York or purchasing train advertising, though it’s more expensive than shopping mall advertising and some other smaller out of home formats.

Movie Theater Advertising offers a effective way to target specific markets on limited budgets.

How to Target Movie Advertising

You can target cinema ads in several different ways. If your brand wants to reach a certain demographic, you can seek out theaters that index highly among that demo, such as ones in Latino or African American neighborhoods.

You may also prefer to target by the movies themselves. Say you want to reach young music fans. Then advertising in, say, the documentary about Billie Eilish may represent the most desirable audience, and you can limit your ads to playing in theaters where that movie is showing.

Brands that want to advertise with the latest Marvel movie or other franchise action film may have to pay a bit more. But the extra investment can be worth it when you connect with people who are more likely to buy your product.

Creative for Movie Ads

If you buy a pre-movie screen ad, you will need to film the commercial, which can add to the pricing. Some brands recycle TV ads, while others prefer to make something tailored to the movie experience. You can make it funny or sentimental or community-oriented. A timely ad for a big release, such as a new album, can get notice.

Want to deliver your message in a different way? A static ad can also work for screen advertising. You can run the static ad with sound or without it.

National Lobby Network
National Lobby Network

You receive a fairly generous window for creative, which doesn’t have to be turned in until about three days before your campaign begins.

How Long Are Cinema Ads?

In General, Movie Trailers and Commercials last for up to 20 minutes before the movie begins. The specific length of Cinema Adverting can vary from anywhere form :15 to 2;00 in length.

A general rule of thumb the blockbuster movies will have more Trailers and Commercials before the movie starts.  Due to the increased demand for the larger audiences.

Where Can You Purchase Cinema Advertising?

Movie Advertising is available in every major market in the United States. If the market has a theater, then you can advertise there. Many brands prefer to target big cities. You can get better deals when you run a campaign across multiple movie theaters or in multiple markets.

If you would like to find out more about Movie Advertising opportunities, reach out to DASH TWO  we can help.