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See, Out of Home Advertising has always had a sense of humor. Billboards have a limited time to get your attention. Saying something funny on them has a much better chance of engaging people than trying a more traditional branding approach.

Of course, the thing about humor is that it can be subjective. Not every attempt at humor works, and so if you’re going to try to make a funny sign, you better make sure you show it to a lot of people first and they all agree that it’s funny. Otherwise you might get noticed … but not for the reason you want to.

Here are nine billboards that inarguably worked.

1. Subway

Sex sells, yes. But it becomes funny when it’s used for misdirection.

This advertisement for Subway has absolutely nothing to do with sandwiches, and yet it works because of the shock value. Sexy billboards usually don’t spell it out like this (and there’s nothing sexy about the actual word “sex”). It turns the tables on the concept of sex sells by using the term as a selling point without actually doing anything sexy.

The Big Bold Letters against the rather plain background is the way to draw even more attention to the billboard.  Contrasting colors are always the right move for billboard design.

Smart and funny Ad!

Funny Engagement Billboard


Funny billboards about engagements and weddings always seem to strike a chord. Perhaps it’s because matrimony is such a serious and significant subject that adding a touch of humor provides a refreshing contrast to the weight of a lifetime commitment.

This particular billboard is not only funny but also makes a solid argument about the durability and enduring quality of the advertiser’s product. The best ads deliver a clear message, and this one does so with both wit and persuasion. It presents a thesis, follows through with a conclusion, and still manages to be entertaining.

The ultimate irony of the billboard? The statement it makes is both true and bittersweet, making it a memorable addition to any list of funny outdoor ads. For more examples of how humor enhances advertising, check out our guide to outdoor advertising advantages.

McDonald's Funny Billboard

3. McDonald’s

Sometimes, you read an ad and have to double back because you think, “Wait, did they really say *that*?” In this case, yes, they did. A McDonald’s in New Mexico created a buzz seven years ago with a billboard that made a not-so-subtle reference to rolling a joint.

While referencing marijuana in advertising is undoubtedly a risky strategy, the gamble paid off here. Commuters found the ad hilarious, and local TV stations picked up the story, amplifying its reach.

This billboard serves as a perfect example of how well-done outdoor ads can take on a second life. Beyond catching attention in the real world, clever billboards like this often go viral on social media, particularly on platforms like Instagram. For brands looking to make an impact, balancing humor with just the right amount of risk can be a game-changer. Learn more about how humor can elevate your campaigns in our guide to outdoor advertising advantages.

4. Four Seasons Heating & Air Conditioning

Now, Four Seasons is hardly the first company to use this joke … we’ve seen it in other places throughout the country. No wonder — it’s funny and it focuses on problem-solving. Once you get over the initial chuckle, you realize how on-point the messaging is. It’s hot in your house. You need someone to fix it. Four Seasons is there for you.

Simplicity often goes a long way with a funny ad. Complexity can be too hard to comprehend in the seconds you have to read and grasp the billboard while zooming down the highway.

Silberman's Funny Billboard

5. Silberman’s

Subtlety isn’t the goal here—and that’s exactly why this billboard works. When it comes to outdoor advertising, the message needs to be clear and instantly understandable, and this ad achieves that perfectly.

The humor is in its simplicity. Through clever visual storytelling, the billboard highlights the man’s issue while offering a direct and amusing solution. It’s straightforward, attention-grabbing, and undeniably funny. While obesity isn’t typically a subject for humor, Silberman’s approaches it in a lighthearted way that draws laughs without feeling overly harsh.

This creative strategy demonstrates how effective outdoor advertising can be when it combines bold messaging with a touch of humor to engage its audience.

6. Imodium

OK, granted, right now an empty toilet paper roll could be for other reasons … but this billboard tells a universally understood story that resonates even when toilet paper is not a major daily issue of discussion.

Everyone knows what happens when you need Imodium. Illustrating it this way gets the point across quickly and clearly. And it’s the type of billboard you’ll see shared on social media because it’s clever and, hey, who doesn’t like bathroom humor.

Bic Razor Billboard

7. Bic

Sometimes, a strong visual does all the talking. This billboard tells a clever story—the Bic razor is so sharp and durable that it can handle even the toughest grass. The implication? Your mutton chops will be no match for it!

The design features the razor resting against the billboard as though it has just finished its task, making the visual both amusing and memorable. The stark white background emphasizes the simplicity of the message while ensuring the focus remains on the product and its capability.

This combination of humor, creativity, and clarity is what makes the ad so effective. It’s no surprise that this billboard became a viral hit, demonstrating how well-executed visuals can elevate an advertising campaign.

8. BMW

Nothing like throwing out a cheeky challenge only to get absolutely owned by the answer. By itself, the BMW ad would make no sense. But Audi’s bold billboard throws down the gauntlet, and BMW’s bolder answer makes a memorable reply as well as something people will snicker about as they drive by. Confidence can make a good joke even funnier, and BMW certainly has that on display here.

Granted this type of billboard would be hard to pull off, timing wise, but that effort will pay off when social media picks it up!  Well done and quick action.

9. Asia Air

Swear words are funny. Things that sound like swear words but actually aren’t are hysterical, as Asia Air recognizes in this ad encouraging people to fly to the beautiful beaches of Phuket. Again, the ad stays on-message, like all the best advertising. It lays out a logical course of thought: “Fares are cheap. I should go.” The pronunciation of Phuket provides the punchline, and while it’s an obvious joke, it still works.

Humor is especially important right now as we grapple with so many serious things in our everyday lives. If you can make an advertisement funny, you generate goodwill and make people more likely to remember it.

While not all ads are appropriate for jokes — some industries just aren’t funny, and trying to make them that way would be offensive — many are. Talk to us about what you want to convey in your advertising.

1 Replay added “The Funniest Billboards of the Past Few Decades

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