Complete Guide to Wall Mural Advertising: Costs, Legal & More

Wall Mural Advertising grabs every passerby’s attention. Advertising Murals are a form of Outdoor Advertising that people can’t help but look at and this is the first step to running a successful campaign.

Wall Mural Advertising grabs every passerby’s attention. Advertising Murals are a form of Outdoor Advertising that people can’t help but look at and this is the first step to running a successful campaign. When an ad looks more like a piece of artwork than a big “buy me” sign, you know you have a impactful message and advertisement.

With all these benefits, this is why so many advertisers are drawn to wall mural advertising. It offers a way to capture the essence of the brand in a creative, eye-catching way. These painted wall murals  can be as effective as billboards, sometimes more so thanks to their potential for going viral. We’ve put together this guide to mural advertising to answer all your questions about the medium.

What Are Mural Ads?

Mural Advertising is any type of hand-painted advertising that appear on any type of surface.  Mural ads have no standard size, location or style.  Mural Advertising can be a painting on a building, free standing wall or even a big rock of the side of a road.  Mural ads are often referred to as painted billboards or painted signs.

Venmo Mural Austin Texas

Example of a Mural Ad in Austin

Where Can You Post Advertising Murals?

Mural Advertising in Seattle

Mural Advertising in Seattle

You can post advertising murals on any wall or surface. They’re generally done in big cities in order to expose them to the largest possible audience, though this isn’t always true — you can also create hand-painted walls in smaller venues for an upcoming show (i.e., in one of the towns leading to Coachella).

Finding Space for Mural Advertising?

The wall almost always belongs to a vendor or a business. Either may lease the space to advertisers. If a vendor owns it, the process will be easier, though you’ll pay for that convenience. If a business owns the space, you’ll need the landlord’s approval and may need to secure inventory permits.

Those who choose not to use a vendor can scout out locations, which may take days, and even then, it’s not guaranteed that the owner will want to lease the space. At least with a vendor, you know the space is used regularly for advertising.

What Ad Categories Use Mural Advertising?

You can find hand-painted walls from some of the biggest companies in the world, ranging from adidas to Netflix to Givenchy to Chanel. It can be effective for virtually any industry.

How Much Does Mural Advertising Cost?

Below is a table of typical Mural Advertising Prices

MarketAverage Mural Price
Los Angeles$20,000
New York$25,000

Factors for Mural Advertising

  • Location
  • Size
  • City
  • Complexity of the mural.
  • Length of advertising run
Wall Mural of Clippers in Los Angeles

Wall Mural of Clippers in Los Angeles

A huge wall mural may run up to $150,000. In Los Angeles, the most in-demand locations include those along West Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard, which can double the asking price of something in East Los Angeles. Pricing may be higher in New York City, where costs are higher in general for advertising.

Is Mural Advertising Legal?

Mural advertising is similar to Wild Posting®, in that there are many ways to do it right, but if you don’t know the regulations or try to do it right, then you could violate the law. Having an agency work with you that knows the guidelines is one way to avoid this issue.

The most important thing is securing the landlord’s approval. Make sure you get the okay in writing and have an agreement on sizing of the mural.

You should also determine local regulations. Los Angeles, for instance, makes art and advertising distinctions between murals that contain more than 3 percent text and those that do not, even though the latter may be a huge rendering of a logo.

Who Paints the Murals for Advertising?

Street artists create the majority of paintings for vendors. Sometimes an advertiser wants a specific artist to paint the mural, perhaps someone they follow on Instagram who has a unique style. The painting begins with a base coat, then the artist paints more details in the next phases.

How Long Does it Take to Paint a Mural?

Avion Tequila

Mural Ad in Downtown Los Angeles

A project can usually be finished within a week. However, most will take three to five days, depending on the complexity of the mural and the size. Sometimes three painters work will work on a single wall mural, so the painting takes less time.  Large wallscape type murals will start from the top and work to the bottom with 3 painters on suspended scaffolding.

What Size Are Advertising Murals?

The size varies from project to project, as wall sizes are different. A standard size may range from 10 feet x 20 feet to 10×15 to 15×14, but we’ve seen them as big as 56 feet high. The bigger the space, the more you will have to pay.  There is no standard for the size of Mural Ads.  Some can actually be 100ft high, it all depends on the size of the wall.

How Long Do Mural Ads Last?

Most Wall Murals are leased for four weeks or 28 days, like any standard outdoor media space. Others may be left up for three months or even longer — some businesses allow murals to stay forever, using them as branding or memorials.  Since Murals take a great deal of effort to create, we often times will see the murals last for an extended time past their scheduled flight dates.  Typically a wall mural will be up until the next advertiser takes the space.  Its uncommon for a wall mural to be painted over to avoid free overage time.  The costs to paint over are not worth it to the wall ownes.

Instagram and Mural Advertising: A Match Made for Clicks

Klarna ShoppingWe’ve definitely seen a rise in demand for this form of advertising over the past few years. If you can trace the recent renaissance for mural advertising to anything, it may be the boom in Instagram users. Murals receive second lives when someone snaps a photo of them and posts it on Instagram. Clever, well-done advertisements or ones painted by a well-known artist often go viral, exposing the ad to way more people than would have seen it in person.

For instance, Kendall Jenner drew 7.9 million views on Instagram when she announced an adidas ambassadorship, and she did it in front of one of the company’s murals, giving it a huge amount of exposure.

Mural Advertising Best Practices

Here are insider tips when executing mural advertising for hand painted walls:

  • Have a conceptual for your mural in place at least two weeks before you begin to paint. Being prepared like this will keep the costs down.
  • Understand that mural advertising requires an investment of time and money. We don’t recommend scrimping pennies on murals—you can tell when they are done on the cheap, and it makes your brand look bad.
  • Mural companies in NY and LA are quite common, and Brooklyn has murals all over. We’ve also seen some excellent examples in Austin, Chicago and Portland, Oregon, as well as several in development in Dallas.
  • Murals get the best reception in locations with good art culture.
  • Letter sizes should be at least 8″ high. Disclaimer letters can be 3″ high.
  • QR codes if used must be at least 20 inches high x 20 inches wide
  • A portrait or photo-realistic element becomes most impactful when displayed on a massive scale.
  • Use the 3-second rule, if you cant read in 3 seconds, copy is too long.
  • Contrasting colors are best
  • Avoid multiple portraits, complex blends, and hyper-realism.
  • Choose bold, graphic elements.

Mural Advertising Examples

Here are examples of Mural Ads in New York, Nashville, Los Angeles, Seattle, Austin, London and more.