Have you been wondering how to advertise music online effectively? Artists are already on Facebook and Twitter, but many have been reluctant to tap into the potential of Instagram. The social network isn’t just for posting photos of your food, it has become a valuable digital marketing tool. Check out the results of a study conducted by Instagram and Nielsen.

Instagram users spend 42% more money on music than non-Instagram users.

The average Instagram music fan spends $269 a year, whereas the general population only spends $152 a year on music. 47% of Instagram music fans believe it is important to attend live music performances, so you are likely to see a boost in ticket sales after using the platform. 37% of Instagram music fans are also seen as trendsetters, they are likely to influence others to spend more money as well. This is extremely valuable to those that advertise music online.

Instagram users are twice as likely to pay for music streaming.

90% of Instagram users stream music, whereas only 76% of the general population stream music. Instagram users are also three times more likely to use Apple Music, which offers no free tier.

Instagram is the most popular platform during live music events.

83% of people choose Instagram when using social media at live music events. They are also more likely to buy music heard at a concert, visit the artist’s website, and share videos of the concert across social media.

Some of the most influential artists have found success on Instagram. The platform has trendsetters that are constantly searching for new artists so they can share that content with their friends. The platform has pledged to continue to support the industry and to grow the presence of music on the site.

This post should give you some ideas on how to expand your fan base and advertise music online.

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